Monday, November 2, 2015

Social Media, Verify Please!

Recently I have been shocked by the number of shared or re-postings that contain false information.  I believe that as users of social media we have a responsibility to ensure what we posts is truthful.  The internet is full of half truths, old information and yes even false information.  It is every social media users responsibility before sharing the information you read to research and see if it is true or not.  If you find false information it is also your responsibility to let the person who shared the information know what they have put out there is not true or only partially true.

In the past month I have seen a number of politically charged headlines with stories that are taken from a truth to a distortion so great it literally becomes false.  I have seen statics about charities that were posted as if current but the "facts" actually were dated back to 2006.  Today I saw a great post that encourages everyone to write Holiday Mail for Heroes.  This sounds wonderful, unfortunately it no longer exists except on a local level.  So spreading this information actually will burden not help.

So please re-post, just be sure what you are re-posting is factual, current and something you are willing to stand behind.  Take a stand and let your friends know, in a tactful way, that what they have shared is false or outdated.  Or the world may start believing there is a way to detect if your pregnant using a phone app (true story saw it on Instagram).